The Ghost In The Attic Investigation
Two orbs, photo by Max
Mist on stairs, photo by Max
Orb, photo by Max
Orb on dresser, by Tammy Montgomery
Large orb above fireplace, by Sarah Harrison
Do you see a face in the mirror? Taken by Sarah Harrison
Orb on floor, photo by Allen
and Belinda
Blue orb in corner of dining room, taken by Lori
Orb, taken by Lori
Orb in Living Room, taken by Lori
Enlargement of face. NOT the
lower face.
One of the team members thinks he may have captured a figure on the porch. Figure is in
circled area and enlargement beside it in middle. Maybe just a trick of light and shadow, can't
really tell from enlarging picture. I'll let you decide. I'm including it to demonstrate that it is
very easy for the eye to see things that have a simple explanation. Photo by Brad Johnson